Very impressive and even more delicious. Great around the holidays.
The muffin is really just the glue that holds the walnuts together.
Hearty and delicious. Best served warm with a slice of butter!
As traditional a desert as you can get. Don’t forget to keep stirring and never add raisins!
A childhood favorite. P.S. please stop putting raisins in oatmeal cookies.
A dead simple and easy spaghetti sauce that works equally well for lasagna.
Excellent choice for cold winters or any time you’re feeling a bit under the weather.
It’s hard to beat fresh bread. Especially fresh baguettes. You can make these with a bread machine or by hand.
More of an American Comfort food than anything else. Still a fun easy salad that you can make in a college dorm.
A prime example of how baked goods can be used to smuggle tree nuts into your stomach.